About Peonies and Prose
Meet Sandi D.
Bonjour, I'm Sandi D.!
Learning about other cultures through friendships and intercultural exchange has sparked my interest from an early age. As an introvert my preferred mode of communication has always been writing.
My '9-5' life has always included some element of 'international,' publishing/editing, and teaching/mentoring.
During the pandemic I launched a podcast, All Things Relax with Sandi D. where I not only found my 'voice' but also created a platform for women to unapologetically share their stories. (nod to my natal promise and shout out to my moon in Gemini!)
I realized a lifelong dream of living in France in 2022 when my partner and I moved to Nice (south of France). In addition to my 'day' job, I also organized and hosted Soleil Retreat and Rivièra on Stage alongside my parter, 'G.'
Living on my 'Saturn' line though was as challenging as astrocartographer Helena Woods suggested it might be. I learned a lot not only about France but about myself during this time! The next time I go back (for vacation), I will stick to my Venus lines over in western France!!!
I published my first book, Dragonfly Dances, as a reflection on life's joys and sorrows and dedicated it to my mom after she passed away. My childhood memories of growing up in the Hamptons are juxtaposed with fragments from living in Japan and France in my poetry.
Returning stateside to rejoin my 'work family' at Penn State Global has been a true blessing allowing me to spend more time with my "biological" family (notably my much loved sons).
Bien sûr, I miss France's healthcare and transportation systems (when workers aren't on strike). Not to mention the 'ficelle' (long savory bread treats with black olives), croissants, and choquettes from the bakery just a few steps from our apartment! Vive Maison Jean Marc Bordonnat in Nice!!
Painting, writing, reading, and snuggling with our cats are some of my favorite things. I do not enjoy cold weather, but love the idea of sipping hot chocolate (with marshmallows) on a snowy day!
In the summer, I love indulging in Penn State's Creamery ice cream and braving the heat to explore Arts Fest.
Learn more about me over on IG at @peonies_prose