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Sandra Duverneuil

Threads of Connection: De'Nicea Hilton Harper, Honorable Mention

Healing Is Perfection

Shocking vibrations seeming like all is crumbling...split...divided

What to think, what to feel

When you just want it to be over, wishing it didn’t happen

At same time, believing there’s a reason - there has to be

What’s in this experience?

Where to go now?

Movement is as distracting as stillness

Or is it more about what is gleaned from within it

All I want is to heal - for my Self, for others

Then to wonder: What is healing?

How do you know? When will it happen?

If healed, then what?

Experience another loss? What is there to gain?

Can I do it?


Setting aside the drama, stripping away the masks

In its bare nakedness, in the midst of the storm...

Is Perfection

Powering from within - aware of, yet not attached

Evolving - a beautiful reminder that can use what was and create what’s to Be

Risking loss of what was - trusting of what may become

Fearful of the unknown - while feeling a sense of coming Self

Emancipated - free from the should’s and ought to’s for me to Be what’s designed for me

Clarity - awareness and honoring who’s me and who’s them

Timing that’s unique to me - outside of what’s “normal” allowing my process to flow as ordained Inspiration - knowing that what comes is expiration, transmuting and alternating freely without effort Open - what got me here may require something else; just as to be open, some parts may close Nourishing - all that’s come serves and I get to determine in what way

Healing IS Perfection

To heal is to bring to wholeness - ALL aspects of the experience without judgment

To be whole is Perfection

The “-ion” to honor the connection within and the connection in the Collective

Honoring my Perfection shifts the quality of influence in the Collective

To feel the state of the Collective...and know, through me Being Whole, it is paramount to heal

This is Me

This is You

This is Us





De'Nicea Hilton Harper explores the spectrum of Holistic Healing influences affecting one's ability to heal -- knowing they're all interconnected. A Holistic Well-Being Consultant and Doctor of Oriental Medicine, De'Nicea guides others in purposeful, playful experiences to see their healing as a process of Discovering (and Being!) their Perfect Authentic Self.

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